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slawik architekten:IBA dock in hamburg

이종국 2012. 11. 7. 16:19






slawik architekten:IBA dock in hamburg


함부르그 엘베강에 떠 있는 이 건물은 독일의 회사 Slawik Architeckten의 사무소이자 전시 공간이다.

이 건물은 지구 온난화에 따른 수면의 상승에 대비하고 있다.

이 건물은 43 x 25m 크기의 콘크리트 판 위에 세워져 있다.

3모듈라 건축물로 조립과 해체가 가능하다.







floating on the elbe river in hamburg, the 'IBA dock' by german firm slawik architekten is an office and exhibition
building that prepares for the elevating water levels caused by global warming.

with ocean and groundwater levels rising,
the waterways will be pressured to absorb more water,

inundating historical city centers and monuments. floating structures
for settlement or expansions near water can adjust to the changing levels,

offering a more sustainable strategy than the
overused solution of dikes. currently the largest in germany,

this structure is built upon a 43 meter long and 25 meter wide
concrete pontoon to navigate 3.5 meter tides.

three storeys of modular steel frames are assembled on top of the floating foundation.

the modules may be disassembled
for transport or to rearrange the form to pass bridges.

visitors access the top deck through a pedestrian access connected to land.
the sun's energy is captured with rooftop photovoltaic panels and supplies energy

 to the heat pumps which use the water below.





















 view from river







 view from embankment



 exhibition area















 during assembly